ICS is located on the premises B West of the Chemical Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen.
The chemical park is part of the Central German Chemical Triangle, the next bigger cities are Leipzig (40 km south), Halle (40 km southwest) and Dessau (20 km north).
Directions from the North (B184 of Dessau / exit Dessau Süd): Drive on B184 in Wolfen. After passing the center of Wolfen turn at traffic lights in the Saarstraße / Farbenstraße towards Greppin. After 400 m the gate is on your left
Coming from the South (B 184 of Leipzig or exit Wolfen): Follow the signs to the chemical park area B West. Immediately after the HEM-Station on the left turn right in the Salegaster Chaussee.
There, at the next traffic lights turn left into the Farbenstraße. After 500 meters the gate is on the right hand side.
After crossing the gate turn left after 600 m, turn right after 100 meters. There you are.